January 2023
- Editorial (Potrc S)
- The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic-driven institutional reorganization on the emergency surgery mortality. Hazabent M
- Laparoscopic versus robotic-assisted colorectal operations at the General and Teaching Hospital Celje. Cerni I, Stefanovski O
- Use of progressive preoperative pneumoperitoneum in a patient with a complex incisional hernia: Case report. Marolt U, Sturm M, Einfalt M, Gorjanc J, Genc M, Potrc S
- Minimally invasive Ivor-Lewis procedure with linear stapled anastomosis for esophagogastric Siewert II carcinoma: Case report. Gacevski G, Jagric T
- Covering of traumatic defects with dermal substitutes: A review of the literature. Emersic L, Stritar A
- Degenerative Disc Disease: Morphological Substrate, Pathophysiological Changes and Etiology: A review of the literature. Koncnik R, Velnar T
- Medical and surgical aspects of weight recurrence after bariatric surgery: A review of the literature. Pintar T

December 2022
Editorial (Krebs B)
Evaluation of the Mofixx laparoscope holder in laparoscopic gastrectomy (Kolarić R , Hladnik G , Jagrič T)
Laparoscopic ventriculoperitoneal drainage insertion in patients with normotensive hydrocephalus (Velnar T, Spazzapan P, Bošnjak R, Jagrič T)
How I Do It: Umbilical hernia and rectus abdominis muscle diastasis repair with the Da Vinci Xi robotic platform (Hubad A , Tomažič A , Grosek J)
Vesicovaginal fistula repair using robot assisted laparoscopic transabdominal approach – Case report (Ferletič M, Hawlina S)
Management of giant incisional hernia: Case report (Založnik M, Kunst G)
Is trapeziectomy alone enough for a good outcome in treatment of thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis? A review of the literature (Emeršič L, Stritar A)
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth after Bariatric Surgery – Literature Review (Novljan U, Pintar T )

Volume 4, Supplement 1
May 2022
Book of abstracts
15th Slovenian Congress of Endoscopic Surgery

Volume 4, Issue 1
January 2022
Human neural tissue sources and surgical sample-collecting methods (Gradišnik L, Maver U, Bošnjak R, Bunc G, Velnar T)
Possible treatment options in acute nail bed injuries: a literature overview (Emeršič L, Stritar A)
Comorbidity and postoperative complications as negative predictive factors for in-hospital mortality in surgical patients with COVID-19 (Kolarič R, Hladnik G, Jagrič T)
Surgical treatment of pediatric hydrocephalus: lessons learned at the Ljubljana University Medical Centre (Spazzapan P, Peroša N, Velnar T)
Enterocutaneous fistula secondary to mesh extrusion after laparoscopic intraperitoneal onlay mesh repair (IPOM) for incisional hernia in a polymorbid patient: a case report (Hadžialjević B, Omejc M)
Leptin is involved in activation of JAK-STAT3, PI3K-Akt, and SHP2-ERK1/2 signaling in gastric cancer in the upper third of the stomach: a study protocol (Hladnik G, Kramberger K, Pirkmajer S, Marš T, Potrč S)

Volume 3, Issue 2
December 2021
The evolution of laparoscopic liver resection. A single institution experience with a time trend analysis (Ivanecz A, Plahuta I, Magdalenić T, Turk Š, Mavc Ž, Potrč S)
Implications of ligating the Aberrant Left Hepatic Artery (ALHA) during laparoscopic gastrectomy (Čubrić N, Jagrič T)
Resident learning curve of TAPP in General Hospital Izola – are we prepared for a standardized curicullum? (Kajumov M)
Intestinal obstruction due to ileocolonic intussusception – two case reports and a review of the literature (Lazarevič M, Horvat G, Košir JA, Sever P, Grosek J)
Transabdominal robot-assisted laparoscopic partial nephrectomy (RALPN) (Cerović K, Hawlina S)
Laparoscopic gastrectomy guided with markerless non-rigid framework and augmented reality (LAMAR study) (Jagrič T, Potrč S, Vadnjal S, Lukač N, Zlaus D, Mongus D, Lipus B, Podgorelec D, Repnik B, Strnad D, Žalik B, Kohek Š)
The effect of sarcopenia and myosteatosis on the outcome of adhesive small bowel obstruction (Košir JA, Grosek J, Tomažič A)
Conference proceedings
IXth Slovenian Symposium on Hernias with International Participation
Teaching courses for transversus abdominis release (TAR) – experience from hospitals in Slovenia 2015 – 2020 (Gorjanc J, Jakomin T, Benković Golob K, Hubad A)
Ventral hernia repair – what is the current situation in Slovenia? (Jakomin T)
Transversus abdominis release in incisional hernias in a certified hernia center (Gorjanc J, Rumpf W, Salas Campos D, Schmid D, Tschmelitsch J)
Guidelines for treatment of umbilical and epigastric hernias (Gelebeševa Mateska T)
Indications for IPOM in incisional hernias (Hazabent M, Ivanecz A)
Preoperative application of Botulinum toxin A in operative treatment of ventral hernia – case reports from General hospital Slovenj Gradec (Golobinek Vertačnik J, Kunst G, Mieczyslaw Leskiewicz P)
Follow-up of inguinal and umbilical hernia repair in a day surgery clinic. Herniamed registry analysis after the first year. (Gelebeševa Mateska T, Jakomin T, Georgiev Z, Sojar V)

Volume 3, Issue 1
January 2021
Impact of COVID-19 on surgical residency programs at UMC Ljubljana (Čebron Ž, Tomažič A)
The value of bridging self-expendable stents in resectable obstructive colorectal carcinoma (Krebs B, Jagrič T)
Laparoscopic living donor nephrectomy- description of transabdominal approach and our experience at University Medical Centre Ljubljana (Taskovska M, Hawlina S)
Management of open abdomen after trauma laparotomy with ABRA in conjunction with negative pressure wound therapy: a case report with review of the literature (Košir JA, Grosek J, Tomažič A)
SADI-S (Single anastomosis duodeno-ileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy)- »new« bariatric surgery: description of the procedure and our experiences in first cases (Rožej B, Kunst G, Mynt JK, Breznikar B)
Endoscopic submucosal dissection as a treatment of early gastric cancer: a case report (Zaplotnik M, Stefanović S, Plut S, Gavrić A)
Rare case of mixed epithelial and stromal tumor of the kidney managed by robotic assisted partial nephrectomy (Lovšin K, Hawlina S)
Laparoscopic gastrectomy for gastric cancer using LivsMed surgical system (Jagrič T)
Minimally invasive non-endoscopic intracerebral haematoma evacuation: an illustration of the operative method (Velnar T)
Ileocoecal valve syndrome and vitamin B12 deficiency after right colectomy (Janež J)

Volume 2, Issue 2
October 2020
Fixating mesh in TAPP (Gorjanc J)
Adhesive technique of mesh and peritoneum fixation in laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair (Koprivica R, Perišić S, Kuhar Makoter M)
Standardisation and security in bariatric surgery – prevention of liver failure (Pintar T)
Surgical management of spontaneous intracerebral haematomas: an overview and our results (Vugdelija IS, Bošnjak R, Velnar T)
Microsurgical replantation of traumatic total scalp avulsion: first reported case in Slovenia (Emeršič L, Hlačer M)
Single-port laparoscopic resection on the intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct with an associated invasive carcinoma: case report and literature overview (Horvat G, Đokić R, Đokić M)
Liver MRI and histological and clinical picture of neonatal near miss case of term newborn with GALD treated with ECMO, plasmapheresis and liver transplantation (Herga P, Mlakar G, Urlep Žužej D, Brecelj J, Fister P, Ponikvar R, Ranković B, Plut D, Bonanomi E, D’Antiga L, Grosek Š)
Laparoscopically assisted foreign body removal from the cecum (Goenter A, Sever P)
Right colectomy with Da Vinci Xi robotic platform (Grosek J)

Volume 2, Issue 1
January 2020
Prevention of complications related to laparoscopic liver resections (Ivanecz A, Plahuta I, Magdalenić T, Jagrič T, Krebs B)
Complications in gastric cancer surgery. 27 years of single centre experience (Jagrič T)
Timing of cholecystectomy after endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatograpy and papillotomy (Grosek J, Petrič M, Plevel D, Tomažič A)
Functional results after TaTME for rectal cancer (Košir JA, Grosek J, Tomažič A, Norčič G)
Ventricular lavage for pediatric haematocephalus treatment – a case report and operative technique (Spazzapan P, Bošnjak R, Velnar T)
Can breast implants save your life? (Kmetec U, Omejc M)
Early recognition of anastomotic leak and septic complications in patients after colorectal resections (Janež J)

Volume 1, Issue 2
October 2019
The role of minimally invasive pancreatic surgery (Zavrtanik H, Tomažič A)
Proximal row carpectomy: comparing pre- and postoperative wrist status (Semprimožnik K)
Laparoscopic appendectomies at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana (Neudauer U, Štor Z)
Treatment of acute diverticulitis at the Department of Abdominal and General Surgery of University Medical Centre Maribor during a 5-year interval – a retrospective cohort study (Krebs B, Šumah H)
Laparoscopic-endoscopic cooperative surgery for a non-ampullary duodenal neuroendocrine tumor after incomplete endoscopic resection (Jagrič T)
Soft tissue coverage of a heel skin defect in a pediatric patient (Matelič A, Semprimožnik K)
Laparoscopic insertion of a pelvic tissue expander to prevent radiation enteritis prior to radiotherapy for sacral metastasis of alveolar maxillary rhabdomyosarcoma: a case report (Omejc A, Vegan L, Omejc M)
Near-infrared indocyanine-green fluorescence imaging for lymphatic mapping in colorectal cancer (Grosek J)

Volume 1, Supplement 1
May 2019
Book of abstracts
14th Slovenian Congress of Endoscopic Surgery
Volume 1, Issue 1
January 2019
The importance of preoperative tatooing before laparoscopic surgery (Štor Z)
The impact of the modification of the laparoscopic lymphadenectomy technique on the extent of the lymphadenectomy in laparoscopically operated gastric cancer patients. A single center study (Jagrič T)
Surgical technique for providing a peritoneal dialysis access at University medical center Ljubljana (Janež J)
Acute calculous cholecystitis with complications in octogenarians: is laparoscopic cholecystectomy the method of choice? (Petrič M, Badovinac D, Pintar T, Tomažič A)
Surgical management of ulcerative colitis – a short review and a retrospective analysis of our experience at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana (Badovinac D, Grosek J, Tomažič A)
Is laparoscopic resection of hepatocellular carcinoma feasible? (Djokić M, Alič M, Petrič M, Stanisavljević D, Trotovšek B)